Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ins and Outs of First Contact - Part 4

Take what online dating has to offer with a smile---there are so many avenues and possibilities. You can if you do things right meet Mr. Right---a man with whom you feel a connection, there is chemistry, and you have lots in common.

A great fulfilling romance is one for life’s purest joys. When you meet a partner with whom you can share values, attitudes, love, as well as grief you would have found your dream.

To achieve this you must have a sense of purpose. Be ready to have fun and head in the “right” direction. Take dating slowly—those who date for two years before marrying have successful marriages as they have worked all the kinks out and are sure where they are headed. The saying “haste makes waste” applies to dating.

Have a realistic expectation. There are no such things like Prince Charming or Sir Galahad –men are men and have good traits as well as bad ones. Try and strike a balance. Find a man who cares and is understanding but don’t expect him to give up “buddy nights” or fishing because you are now a part of his life.

The “key” is look forward to: sharing a few interests and to having separate ones.

Be responsible and address any serious issues right in the beginning. Problems like alcoholism, drug dependency, temper tantrums, smoking, emotional dysfunctions, or physical abuse never resolve later.

Date with your eye open—be aware of the plus as well as minus points. Don’t rush into passionate relationships. Listen to your mind and heart.

Just follow the unwritten rules of online etiquette and enjoy yoursel.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ins and Outs of First Contact - Part 3

Always Remember To:

Choose a creative user name. This will ensure that men searching through profiles will pause, be intrigued, and want to know more. You must be different stand out from the hundreds of profiles.

Coin a flirty headline. It should pack a punch and yet be short and sweet. You will never capture a man’s attention if you just select one from the many samples posted online. Try not being aggressive or bossy or simpering –witty works.

Men are visual creatures and are mostly attracted by appearance. Be sure to post a flattering photo.

Respond to e-mails with care. Avoid writing a novel—men have short attention spans. So, answer questions, be witty, ask a few questions—make it short and sweet not a saga.

Write responses to everyone. That way you will meet many more possible suitors. Your response percentage should be at least 80%.

Navigate successfully by:

Staying happy, confident, and positive while e-mailing or IM ing men. Don’t overwhelm the other person by coming on too strong—keep it light and friendly. Be sure to pace yourself.

Use the photos posted to make an opinion of a man—there is a saying that a picture can speak a thousand words. Read up on how to look at pictures and read character.

Never rush things along—control the pace of the online relationship, never hurry and make plans to meet before you know ‘enough’ about a person.

Before meeting take another step of caution, speak on the phone at least 2-3 times. Women can make suggestions too! Don’t speak from a personal phone or mobile use the safe services provided by dating services.

Listen to your heart—if you get negative thoughts or bad vibes then end the contact.

When you are ready to meet in person do so in a public place—make it a four some it is safer.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ins and Outs of First Contact - Part 2

An advantage to you is that you can ignore or delete e-mails that you are just not interested in. You do not have to undergo the agony of saying “sorry no.” And since you “meet” possible suitors from behind a computer you are able to overcome fears as well as shyness.

Unlike dates where you meet one to one, a dating site allows you to look through hundreds of profiles without any pressures. There are innovations on a few sites—you can send emoticons, virtual flowers, and more to possible daters showing that you are interested. You can send winks, smiles, as well as virtual flowers to show interest. You can make the initiate and contact a profile that interests you--- say I read your profile and found x, y, and z, interesting. Be sure to mention something about yourself and weave in factors about him that you found interesting. Weave in casual comments as well as humor. Never sound needy or desperate.

They offer online chats as well as forums where you can actually virtually meet men. At first you must just observe how these work, choose one with a subject that is of interest to you. Communicate naturally and honestly. Use a name that describes you but not your true identity. Converse casually and as though you are in conversation with someone. Be polite and respectful, if you are wrong about something be magnanimous and accept it. There is no harm in admitting that you don’t know something. Try not to bring up past relationships or experiences. Have fun and look forward to making new friends.

Having facilities from where you can both send e-mails and receive them without revealing personal details. This is a safety feature to protect you from unwanted suitors. Finally, they have systems where “daters” can speak to one another without revealing their locations or phone numbers. The site protects you at all times.

However, even while using an online dating site you must ensure your own safety. Never reveal personal details, workplace addresses, phone numbers, or bank account details, it is best if you don’t speak about where you shop, have lunch, or spend evenings.

You should only speak about these once you are confident about a man and have had the time to “check him out.”

Online dating sites can be rewarding, fun, exciting and a secure environment for meeting new people. But the most reliable safety measure that anyone can take or have is common sense; trust your basic instincts more than anything else.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ins and Outs of First Contact - Part 1

So, you've found an online dating site that you are interested in. Now the adventure of online dating begins...

You might want to start by trying the quick searches and the matches the site sends. Don't forget to make use of the special services offered, like:

  • Smart selection where you find a profile that interests you, then click on smart selection or show similar profiles button---the site will send you other profiles that are similar too the one you like. All you have to do is sit back and relax. Such facilities under different names are offered by most ‘top’ dating sites.
  • One can do a “key word” search—use words that are of importance to you—fishing, writing, plays, acting, and so on. Use common interests to locate possible men.
  • Search using specifics--fill in specific criteria like: age, height, location, body type, hair/eye color and so on. Then save these specifics and search using them as base line.
  • Use “break the ice” option—when you spy a profile you like, click on “break the ice.” Pen a message that is in synchrony with your mood. The site will forward the message along with your profile for consideration. Apart from being databases of men and women seeking partners, sites take dating a step further by putting ‘filters’ in place to weed out unsuitable candidates. So, you can be reasonable sure about the profiles you are vetting.
Online sites allow you a chance to know a lot about possible suitors—you can ask questions about hobbies, career, education, family, relationships, political affiliation, religious beliefs, and more.

Many of them have a system by which they match profiles, and then mail suitable ones for your consideration. They also lend anonymity - you need not reveal personal details until you really want to or have to.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What You Should Know About Online Dating

There are a few things that a person has to know about online dating before one getting involved in it. Online dating may seem to be the simplest thing in the world but it is not. It should be viewed in all earnestness or things could go haywire. Every game has its rules and unless you know all the rules you just can’t become a good player and eventually a winner.

Take people. There are so many kinds around. Just look around you, how many people you know look the same? Sizes, builds, shapes, features, they are all so different. And that is just about the external appearances. And when it comes to character, it becomes a very different story altogether. Take a trip down memory lane, go back to your class rooms and take a look

A classroom is one place where we get to interact with a lot of different people on a very close basis. We get to rub shoulders and corners with very different people and we get to know them on a one to one basis.

So how many of your classmates did you genuinely like? I don’t mean like them as classmates but as people. Was it easy to get along with all of them? That is why we often end up with best friends or clichés in classrooms.

We do not have to like every body. The tastes and interests of one person might match with ours while the tastes and interests of another person may be at complete loggerheads with ours.

So when it comes to dating, it is very much the same story. But over here there are some strings attached. Unlike in a classroom contact, most people go on dates with a more impressive purpose, and that is to find a life mate. There are a hundred and one things that should match before two people decide to spend the rest of their lives with each other.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Finding Yourself After Being Dumped

Have you been dumped recently? You may be feeling kind of lost.If you spend your days just walking around in a fog and nothing seems to go right you need to learn how to fix it, especially if you want to try to get your ex back. There are specific steps you can take to help you do this.

First, you need you back. If you want to try to get your ex back you will need to be confident and self assured. So, work through your pain and anger before contacting your ex. Otherwise they will feel they need to be on the defensive and you will do nothing more than alienate them further.

If you have been dumped it may take a while for the pain and anger to subside. Take as much time as you need to feel your feelings and deal with them as they surface. Then decide what it is you want and go for it. If what you want is to get your ex back then do it. Be careful though, like I said make sure you have you back and you are in a good frame of mind or else anything you try will not work and may even backfire.

when you are ready, call your ex on the phone and ask if they would like to meet you for coffee and a talk. If they are willing to meet you, you need to have planned out what you want to say. This isn't the time to fly by the seat of your pants. It's also important that you don't start off by asking them, or begging them, to get back together. Now is the time to try and reconnect and remind them how much fun the two of you used to have.

Hopefully by this point you have addressed the issues you had, or whatever it was that caused problems in your relationship in the past. If so, this meeting could be a great time to let your ex see these improvements with their own two eyes.

Of course, if the two of you are going to make things work for the long haul both of you will most likely need to assess your habits and attitudes and make some changes. Now isn't the time to worry about that though, the only person you can change is you. For now, let that be your focus. Than when the two of you get back togeher and you are trying to keep things strong you can work on other issues that may be driving a wedge between you and creating difficulty in your relationship.

There is always hope. No matter how much the two of you have been through you can still find a way to get back together and make things work out much better the second time. Even if you've been dumped there is still hope for a much better future.

For the best step-by-step plan to win an ex back that I've seen, click here.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why Does Online Dating Keep Climbing Up the Popularity Poll?

It's simple really. The same reason that the internet has grown in popularity - it opens up a whole new world of communication and contact.

  • Speed
Try to picture what used to happen earlier in the days when people had to depend on the good old postal system. During those days, a person had to wait for one or two days for a letter to get across to a person who lived in the same state itself. The second person in turn would take one or two days to respond and this letter would take on ortwo days to get back to the first person.

So in effect, a single correspondence would stretch over a week. But now it’s a totally different story. The time taken for the first letter and the response has been brought to an amazing 2 minutes! Waiting may make the heart grow fonder but e-mail makes two get close faster!
  • Privacy
The Internet provides for absolute privacy too. One can carry out communication with another person in the absolute privacy of one’s bedroom or bathroom or wherever one chooses to be. There is no fear of eavesdropping (ugh) or over hearing (shudder!) thanks to e-mail and chat facilities.
  • Options and Opportunities

The Internet provides for other options like voice chat or video conferencing and stops short only of the physical touch. But then who would want to start a relationship by touching right away? You can see a person, talk to a person, and listen to the person’s
voice; can you think of a better way to start a date?
  • Economy
All this and more are possible thanks to the Internet and the best part is that all this comes to you for peanuts. All you need is a P.C (who doesn’t have one?) and an Internet Connection (how can anybody live without one) and you are all set. The only thing more you could ask for is a step-by-step guide to find your dream date…well here it is!

We all know that man is a social being. However man is also a lonely being. (And when we say man, we mean women too). Man longs for company. Company not just from friends and the family, but from that special person with whom he or she can share those sweet nothings, those simple pleasures and pains, someone with whom he or she can build a whole newlife, someone with whom he or she can raise a family of his or her own.

Now this is a fundamental need of man: to find a life mate. And the most popular method used for this is dating. When we talk about dating in the very finest sense of the word, please understand that dating is not to be viewed as a precursor for sleeping together. It is much more than that. It is the first step towards choosing a life partner and online dating has made the
whole process a lot simpler now.